Tis the season. Katie was bitten by a black widow spider last week. In bed. At approximately 2:16am. That's when she jumped out of bed with intense pain in her left leg. When she got to work on Wednesday, the doctor thought she was getting shingles, but later that night, we found the culprit in her bed. Thursday night she was in the ER, apparently the pain is intense, and the venom causes muscle cramping and abdominal pain, fever, and a slight tremor. She is back at work today, but still not feeling 100%. We had the house sprayed Thursday, and we found a large web full of the shiny black arachnids, and yes, they really do have a very visible red hourglass on their tummies. As Katie wishes this experience on no one (well, ok, maybe a few select people), might we recommend http://spiderspray.com/.
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