Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pumpkin Carving and Cornbellies

Pumpkin carving time again! That means it's our blogs one year anniversary! You notice who is NOT participating in this activity, Mommy HATES to carve pumpkins. I'm more of an egg dying type myself.

The finished products. OK, I'm lying, but I can't find the pics of our real pumpkins. They looked this good though! These were actually pumpkins at Cornbellies, where we spent a fun night with the Vickery's. A few pics from that night...

A full moon, perfect for a night of pre-Halloween fun!
Aww, the boys in the Princess carriage! Iz and Em, BFF's!

This appears to be some kind of birth canal attraction at Cornbellies. Ty is scared.
Children of the corn
The ultimate sensory experience for Jack...Animal tire swings, there was a horse, a dolpin...and some other animal thing I can't remember. It was a fun night for everyone!

1 comment:

Lyndsy Tippetts said...

happy one year anniversary to your blog! izzi jack and ty all looked so cute on halloween. thanks for letting us stop by.