Izzi and I went to the Children's Place Monday to buy her a new pair of shimmery pink leggings, to replace the pair of light blue shimmery leggings that somehow got ruined in the washer. (There was no bleach involved in the ruining of said pants, for those of you who know my laundry habits.)
Anywho, they were having a killer sale (or Monster Sale, as they call it, because Monster's and Children go along so well together), and
Izzi found the Mary
Janes pictured above and HAD to have them. I know, I've done this to myself, but the girl needs her shoes. AND they were half price, so she was right, she did HAVE to have them. While we were paying for the pink shimmery leggings and shoes, she asks if she can wear them both to school the next day. I told her she could wear the leggings, but not the shoes, because they were for Church, and besides,
there is 6 inches of snow outside. She pouted, but gave up pretty easily. I should have suspected then that something was up. When we got up the next morning, she tried again to talk me into wearing them, and I again told her no, then went up to try and talk Jack into wearing socks AND pants to school. It's a everyday struggle. We finally all get out the door, I drop them off in front of the school and tried not to peel out as I drove away. When I went back to pick up
Izzi 2 hours and 45 minutes of bliss later, I notice she is sitting on the sidewalk, and since it is a balmy 20 degrees, I figure she must have fallen. I'm almost out of the van to check on her when I notice she hasn't fallen, she is furiously trying to unbuckle the "real buckle" on her new shoes (the real buckle was a HUGE selling point) and stuff the shoes back into her backpack and replace them with her boots before I noticed. When she saw she was caught, she sheepishly climbed into the van. "Nice shoes
Iz" I said. She gave me that grin. I am in
sooo much trouble when she gets older.
Sooo much trouble.
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