Monday, February 9, 2009

Potato Face

Jack was really sick again this weekend, we found out he had RSV. He slept all day Friday and didn't eat a thing, so on Saturday he felt a little bit better and told me he wanted mashed potato's with no gravy. I gladly obliged, and gave the little peanut his bowl of potato's. A few minutes later when I checked on him, this is what I found...
He never actually said he was going to eat the potato's, just that he wanted them.


mtak said...

Love it! Hey, at least he didnt turn it into yellow snow.

Angi Snyder said...

True. We had to go over those rules again yellow snow in the front yard includes the side yards, you can only pee out back.

Lyndsy Tippetts said...

so funny! poor little jack. i hope he gets better soon!