Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Walk for Babies 2009

Saturday was the March of Dimes Walk for Babies. The girls did it alone this year because the boys had games. We walked fast and then went right to the field. We have so much to be thankful for when it comes to little tiny babies. We had Austin, who was only here for a short while, but we'll love him forever.We've got Mia (playing in the ocean) who came early so that Tay could survive...And our little miracle boy Tay, who overcame odds that most adults couldn't have. He is such a little fighter!

We also have Kelsie, who turned 16 this year. Looking back at what she went through all those years ago, we are so blessed to have her too.

The March of Dimes is a wonderful organization, and we are proud to help out every year!

1 comment:

Lyndsy Tippetts said...

what a cool thing to be a part of. you guys are awesome!