Monday, July 6, 2009

Ballpark Food

One of the best things about summer is the food. BBQ's, fresh veggies, yum! Around our house, from March to July, at least 4 meals a week consist of "ballpark food". Hot dogs, nachos, big pretzels, know, high on fat and sodium, without any real food value. Imagine my shock and disgust then when a couple of weeks ago at a game, a woman pulls out a small, soft-sided cooler and begins preparing dinner for herself and her husband. She had toast, bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, and mayo, all in their own individual Tupperware containers. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for a BLT, but at a Little League game? Putting all that time and thought into a well balanced meal? As I was staring, mouth agape at this spectacle, Iz came up and sat by me and informed me she had finished her foot long Popsicle in a tube and wanted dinner. I pulled out a can of Easy Cheese and a box of Triscuit thin crisps. She was in heaven.

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