Monday, July 20, 2009

Brothers Don't Shake Hands, Brothers Hug!

Saturday night Dave and I took Izzi and went to the car cruise in AF. While we were on our way home, I got a call from mom saying that the neighborhood bully (whom I have already told to stay away from my kids and off my property) who we will call Prictor, and his little sidekick were being mean to my boys. They had all been at a church party when Prictor started chasing them and throwing things at them, with it culminating when Prictor shoved Ty off his bike and he landed on his still broken thumb. Tyler told Prictor in no uncertain terms that they were no longer friends (I later told him that under normal circumstances we don't use the word he did, but it was ok just this once) and came home. A few minutes later, Ty remembers that his little brother and friend Kaden are still out there, so he gets his baseball bat, and went back to help Jack and Kaden. Don't worry, he didn't use the bat. I told him he shouldn't have taken it, but he said he just did it to scare Prictor. It worked.
So, two very good things came out of this whole ugly situation. One, Jack came home and asked Grandma for some Rescue Remedy, he told her he was very angry but was trying not to throw anything or hit anyone. Second, when I got home and was talking to the boys about what happened, Jack came over, threw his arms around me and started sobbing. He kept saying "Ty really loves me, he came back to take care of me, he was worried about me". It broke my heart. I think that with all the teasing and fighting that goes on, sometimes the boys forget that they actually do love each other very, very much, and that they would go to the ends of the Earth for each other. I was actually very proud of them, neither one of them fought back, they took the high road and were better off for it. Also, they finally understood what I have been telling them for years. Friends come and go, but your brother will be your best friend for life.

1 comment:

mtak said...

back in the day . . . . I used my dad's shotgun to protect my older brother from nieghbor hood bullies.