The great hair battle is over. Most of you know, that from the time Izzi was born, she has rarely been seen in public without a bow in her hair. That all changed this year, apparently being a kindergartner allows you to do your own hair. It's been a constant fight since school began, everyday me threatening to have her bum length hair cut off, she would cry, Daddy and Gram would say no, and we'd suffer through another week of her beautiful curly hair brushed absolutely straight with that nice windblown playground look. After Grandma and Daddy both had the opportunity to try and do Izzi's hair for church and school recently, they both agreed, it was time. Last Wednesday, Grandma, Aunt Katie, and Mommy took Izzi to Mary Lou Fryer to have her first haircut. Mary Lou does Grandma's hair, More-Mamaw Goss' hair, and she has cut Katie and I's hair since we had enough to cut. We took lots of pictures, and it was a fun big-girl night out.

All excited at first... Then, not so much!

The first snip went to Grandma, who was almost crying...Look at all that hair piled up!

Making sure it's perfect Look at that smile!

Where did all this hair come from????

Twirling around, showing off the new do!
so cute! I remember when Madison had her long curly hair cut for the first time when she was 3, I cried?
what a sad day... but well worth it. I fight the fight everyday and bella's hair isn't near as long! she looks adorable as always!!
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