I watched all morning with Jack. He was home from school sick, so we curled up on the couch together to watch. It was amazing. I don't care who you voted for, this man is our President, and he deserves respect, and his speech was amazing. I didn't vote for him, but I am hopeful in his leadership, and the future of our Country. He has a beautiful family too, his girls were so poised and well-behaved, I kept thinking that mine would never be that good during all the things they have attended all day long.
My friend posted this on her blog, it is a sign she recently saw in Harlem...
"Rosa Parks sat, so that Martin Luther King Jr. could walk, so that Barack Obama could run so our children can play."
Pretty much sums it up. Our Country has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time.
Funniest thing I heard during the inauguration, from veteran reporter Tom Brokaw. My jaw literally dropped. Could he have screwed up ANY worse? He was referring to all the men in hats and comparing it to John F. Kennedy's inauguration...
"Jack Kennedy ruined the hat when he appeared headless... I mean hatless."
Headless??? Honestly?
I was a little upset they didn't let Ty watch it in school. Would the 5 minute swearing in really have taken that much out of their day? This is history. Something they would remember for their rest of their lives. I'm glad I recorded it so we can watch as a family tonight.
This is for Izzi. Her name in light blue.
The pics are ones we took in May 2007 in Atlanta, Georgia at the MLK Memorial. It was a beautiful spot. Interestingly enough, it was my kids who wanted to go, so we went and all enjoyed it.
My friend posted this on her blog, it is a sign she recently saw in Harlem...
"Rosa Parks sat, so that Martin Luther King Jr. could walk, so that Barack Obama could run so our children can play."
Pretty much sums it up. Our Country has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time.
Funniest thing I heard during the inauguration, from veteran reporter Tom Brokaw. My jaw literally dropped. Could he have screwed up ANY worse? He was referring to all the men in hats and comparing it to John F. Kennedy's inauguration...
"Jack Kennedy ruined the hat when he appeared headless... I mean hatless."
Headless??? Honestly?
I was a little upset they didn't let Ty watch it in school. Would the 5 minute swearing in really have taken that much out of their day? This is history. Something they would remember for their rest of their lives. I'm glad I recorded it so we can watch as a family tonight.
This is for Izzi. Her name in light blue.
The pics are ones we took in May 2007 in Atlanta, Georgia at the MLK Memorial. It was a beautiful spot. Interestingly enough, it was my kids who wanted to go, so we went and all enjoyed it.
I was reading my favorite blog that I stalk this morning http://www.themeanestmom.blogspot.com/ and came across this post she did on another site about MLK day. Sums up my feelings pretty well too. http://www.momlogic.com/2009/01/martin_luther_king_day_1.php
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