In the past month, all 3 of my children have had at least one bout of this. Some of them, several. I started carrying extra pairs of panties or boxers in my purse. I'm not sure what evil virus is causing this...

A stomach ache
The Flu
Or the dreaded (albeit cute and cuddly) Giardia
But I wish they would leave us alone. (Andi, thanks for the cute cuddly microbe idea. I like it when I can steal someone else's creativity.)
Do you have a pic to represent the Snyder farts?
apparently, they haven't discovered that particular microbe yet.
Yes yes! I would love to see some pics! You are soooo funny! Posting about the sharting. LOVE IT.
Hey Angi,
Tell Jenn that we have been unable to get on thier blog. Our password doesnt work or something like that?
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