The only thing that gets me through the schizophrenic weather of Springtime in Utah is knowing that even if it snows a little during the day, it will melt quickly and be gone the next day. We got 4 inches of snow during the day yesterday, and like usual, it started to melt pretty quickly. Then about 11 last night, we noticed it was snowing again. Hard. Big pellets of heavy, wet snow. We all went to bed thinking surely it would stop soon...and then we woke up this morning.
There was 12 1/2 inches of the heaviest, wettest snow I have ever felt. I don't think we had a storm this bad all winter long!
Kate's car got stuck after the snowplow (snowplows in April? Seriously?) went by and packed her in. Apparently, she's never driven in the snow before because as I was pushing I had to remind her loudly and repeatedly to keep her wheels straight.
This is looking South down our street.
swing set in the backyard.
Our poor forsythia bushes were just covered. Most of them popped back up after I got the snow off, but at least one is broken off.
For some reason, the flowering plum trees around here seemed to have been hit hardest. I don't know if they have really soft wood or what, but this is our neighbors tree that fell across our fence into our backyard.
A very large very old pine tree at our church building
A couple of streets down from us, this 22 year old flowering plum was completely uprooted. The lady said that this morning it was actually laying across the fence over the sidewalk, it took out a light on its way down.
There are big piles of branches like this one all up and down the street
Even though it was really annoying...we just want sun, is that too much to ask? We had to admit that it was one of the most beautiful mornings in a long time.
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