Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jack's got the kissing disease!

Well, he has mono at least. I told him that people used to call it the kissing disease, and he said "but I don't kiss anyone but you mommy". Good point. Anyway, with his immune system being hit by RSV in January, Strep in February/March, this little bug got in and caused a lot of problems. He missed a whole week of school. And if the fevers and aches from the Mono weren't enough, Jack also got his first cold sore. Unfortunately, since he had no immune system at the time, the bacteria attacked with a vengeance, and the whole inside of his lower lip were covered in cold sores, and they spread to his tongue and the roof of his mouth. He was in so much pain! It was awful!

This is what Jack's been doing A LOT of this week...sleep! Grandma took him and he made a bear at "Build A Bear" that he named Taylor (for his favorite cousin) and dressed in his personal favorite outfit, boxer shorts and a soft t-shirt. I'm so glad my little boy is feeling better, it's been a rough week and a half, but he's finally feeling better.

1 comment:

Lyndsy Tippetts said...

so sad! grandma's are great aren't they???