Thursday, May 21, 2009


Jack wrote a letter to the dispatchers, and when we took it to them he got to meet all the dispatchers and see them in action. They were very nice and explained everything to him. He handed them his note that he had folded up as tiny as possible, and then soaked through with his sweaty palms, and we left. He told me on the way out that he felt much better now, and his tummy didn't have a sick feeling anymore.
Lesson learned!

1 comment:

Ross n Jen said...

So one of my friends at Orem Dispatch emailed me RIGHT AFTER Jack's fun little visit! Here's what she said:

Just thought I would let you know that we were getting 911 hang up calls from the school for 2 weeks, so after they had the school district track it down, they apprehended the suspect. JACK SNYDER came to see dispatch today, and brought a little "I'll never do it again" note, and handed the sweaty thing to me. Boy was he ever humble!!!!